What Insurance cover does the RFU provide to the game?



RFU affiliated clubs that play at level 3 and below are provided with liability insurance that protects them in respect of all their activities on and off the pitch, against claims resulting from injury to a player, volunteer, match official, coach, employee, spectator or general member of the public, or damage to their property.


Cover is included for a wide range of activities, including playing and training but also the clubs’ administrative, commercial and fundraising activities. 


The limits of cover are £25m for Public Liability and £10m for Employers Liability and includes the legal costs of defending a claim. 


Cover is also arranged by the RFU to protect the individuals who are running clubs in respect of the personal liability they have for management decisions. This Directors and Officers Liability cover provides a limit of cover of £1m per club and covers all club directors, trustees and /or committee members, depending on the structure of your club. 


Players, Coaches and Match Officials


Personal accident cover is arranged for players at all levels of the game to provide them with a lump sum benefit of up to £300,000 in the event they suffer a catastrophic injury, such as a traumatic brain injury or catastrophic spinal injury, whilst playing or training. 


Constituent Bodies (CBs) and Referees Societies


CBs are provided with Public Liability insurance that protects them against claims resulting from injury suffered during play or training on behalf of the CB teams. It also protects the CB in respect of their activities organising and delivering county events. 


The limit of cover provided is £25m for any one claim and includes the legal costs of defending a claim.

More information about all the insurance cover arranged for the community game can be found on Howden’s England Rugby Insurance Centre.

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