What are the current Age Grade Regulations?

The Age Grade season is now underway across, clubs, schools and colleges. Please refer to the Age Grade regulation changes.

A key change is the delayed shift to the next set of age grade rules until 1st January 2022. This means everyone still moves up an age (e.g. U9s become Under 10s) but play the rules and progressions they missed last season first.  Age Grade rules of play are in the Appendices of Regulation 15.  This applies to the mixed (U7-11) and boys (U12+) game. Girls U13, 15 and 18 bands play to their normal rules with specific  guidance available to ensure safe player progression. 

From 1st January 2022, everyone moves to their new rules which will include the law change on tackle height to be made consistent across all contact levels of age grade rugby in England.  .

Age Grade Affiliation is underway.  Guides and support for parents and club volunteers can be found by searching the Help Portal.

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