Not Receiving Emails/Email Provider

Some email service providers delay or create a barrier for receiving bulk, template, verification emails from our GMS server, amongst other companies affected.  Please check your junk and spam folders to see if your email has been delivered to these.

Please remember that the issue is not that GMS doesn't deliver the email, but that the issue could be that your email provider is blocking the email address that the club send the email from. 

There are 3 possible options below for you to try to assist you with a better chance of receiving these emails.

  • To give the messages the best chance of landing in the right folder, go to the "Settings" in your own email account and add these three domain names to your "Safe Senders" list - some systems refer to this as a "Whitelist" or something similar:

(@)[club]  (e.g for Invincibles RFC replace highlighted in yellow with your club so e.g.

(@)[crfc] (e.g Invincibles RFC replace highlighted in yellow with the first letter of your club so for Invincibles example here would be


Some systems require the '@' symbol to be included as part of the address whilst others do not.  If you are not sure how to do this, you may find this link helpful to cut and paste to your browser:

 Please note that usually adding the email addresses to your safe sender list as above should be sufficient. If not, then try the remaining two options below: 

  • If you have another email account, or sign up for one that could be used instead.
  • Also, users could possibly look into a paid-for email service that usually does have higher rate of successful delivery.  As it’s a premium paid email provider, there is a bank account linked to it which adds an element of identity and accountability and so it is more trusted by spam filters within the myriad of rules they apply.

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