Club Administrator - Account Locked & Unblocked

Some of the reasons why a GMS user would be locked is too many incorrect password attempts: if one username has been chosen over another in the case where there are 2 or more usernames, or they can be blocked by the club. Usernames can be found on the user's profile under 'Accounts', along with their role(s) and permission level if they have any assigned to them, as well as the status (active or blocked).

*Please note that club admin can unblock their clubs GMS users if they have permission level 5 to access the Organisation Admin Module.  However, if the account is locked please assist the user to reset their password as this should unlock the account.  If this does not work, then only the GMS Service Desk can unlock users so please raise a ticket on the portal and we will be able to assist.

Please see the below example where a user has locked themselves out of their GMS account;

The below screenshot shows under Organisation Admin Module > Home; all the users who have locked themselves out of their GMS accounts, and are also currently blocked for this club as an example:

The below image shows the user who is blocked out of their GMS account: 

 To unblock the account, select and highlight the user and click on the unblock button as per the screenshot below: 

You should then receive a pop up message alerting you that their account has been unblocked.

Note: if you unblock an account, it sets the Blocked column to No.  Nothing happens to the Strikes (invalid attempts) column. 

  • If there are more than 3 strikes it is a Locked account.  So, if you unblock an account, it may or may not be locked depending on the strikes value. 
  • The strike value will increase with every unsuccessful login attempt. 
  • To reset the Strikes values, the user must successfully log in if less than 3 or reset their password if 3 or more. 

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