Add Group Function

To add a group and send an email you need to have permission level 2 or above to access the 'People' Module. 

You can create groups by the Add Group function, from the top right hand corner button under 'People' Module > 'Everyone'.


This can work in conjunction with the email builder which is a function to send bulk email notifications in GMS, and you can even affix an attachment which could be a newsletter you create (outside of GMS in PDF format for example).  See the How to send an email in GMS guide. 

  • Select the users you wish to put into a group or by using the search filter on the right hand side
  • Click on the 'Add To Group' button in the top right-hand corner
  • Enter the 'New List Name' and enter a name for your group, then click on 'Add Group'



Once the group has been created, you will be able to see it on the left side under People > Everyone as per the screenshot below:

**Notes: Adding this group is only visible to yourself and not other administrators in your club. If you make a group based on a filter such as age group (aged 6 at start of season) and then the AG band is moved up for the start of the season then this won't be reflected in your group, you will manually need to edit and update your group.

You can add users individually, or in bulk to an existing group or a new group. You can do this the same way you created a group, but by only selecting one user.

You can also delete groups that you have created.  You can do this by selecting your group then pressing 'Delete Group' at the top. See the below screenshot:

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