There is a function to send bulk email notifications under the 'Email builder' in GMS. Here you can affix an attachment which could be a newsletter you create (outside of GMS in PDF format for example).
Please note it would be best to format any text first in Notepad, but not Word as the formatting can be affected by the program.
*Note: To send an email you need to have at least permission level '2' to access the People Module.
Please follow the steps below:
- Click on the 'People' Module > 'Everyone' from the left hand side
- Select the users that you would like to email or you can select all. You can use the search filter on the right hand side to define such as age group, roles, relationships (parent) etc. to extract groups for emails. See first screenshot below.
- Click on 'Email' button in the top right hand corner
- This will take you on to the email builder page itself
- Compose your message
- Click 'Send'
In the email builder you can add text or attachments, see second screenshot.
Top Tips
Clubs can use the email builder to message all parents of players to advise to log into GMS or to reset their password. All emails sent from GMS will have the individuals username at the bottom of the emails see highlighted on second screenshot below. This helps at the start of the season as parents are able to login more readily. It is possible to distribute these by age group by filtering by ‘Age at the Start of the Season’ under the search filters and can then tailor the message to the audience you are emailing.
Please note, it does require the up-to-date e-mails to be in the system.
Ensure that you click 'Parents Only' on the 'Youth Safeguarding' box in the email builder. So only parents get the email even if the child shares the same email address and stops multiple emails being received by the parents.
**If you are not receiving your club communications sent from GMS please check your junk and spam folders and see the other portal guide ‘Not Receiving Emails’ for more help.
Email Templates
Administrators and those with access to distribute club emails within GMS now have the use of an 'Age Grade affiliation/ renewal of affiliation' template which can be sent to parents within the club. This template includes how a parent can affiliate and renew the affiliation of their children, as well as helpful links to guides and articles to our SCRUM helpdesk. The below screen shots outline the process for the use of templates.
Firstly, navigate to 'Everyone' > Select the people/ group you wish to contact > 'Email' (top right hand corner)
Once you have selected the people you wish to contact and clicked the 'Email' button, a small drop down will appear (as shown by the arrow in the screen shot below). Select 'Send Affiliation Instructions'.
The screen below will show what you would normally view when creating an email as per the guidance at the beginning of this guide. However, you will see highlighted in red in the screenshot, the new template to assist parents for the 'affiliation' and 'renewal of affiliation' processes.
Below is the text included within the template. Once you are happy and have made the relative adjustments and updates, click 'Send' which can be found in the top right hand corner.