How To Create Membership Schemes

Membership schemes are the foundation for any club that wishes to collect payments from members for a particular membership goal. They allow clubs to manage the number of members, collect payments and track the status of a membership.

Administrators (level 2 and 5) at the club can take payments by cash, cheque etc. If the club have set up for online payments, they can process using card or direct debit with member present or members at the club can login to GMS and purchase a membership by card or DD.

Creating a New Membership Scheme

Creating a Membership Scheme is done through the Finance tile.

Select Membership Schemes and any existing Active schemes will display.

Select New.

Enter the Membership Details Membership Options, Product Price, Installments and Rules (if applicable) etc.

And Save.

Once all the details have been saved and if made available for online purchase, these schemes will be under Memberships on the website and appear for everyone on GMS. If set to No, only club admins will be able to view these memberships.

The list of memberships on a club website will display in order of Membership Type – Adult, Individual and Junior.       


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