Change or move clubs

Age Grade Registration will be referred to as ‘Player Affiliation’ in the Age Grade game from 21/22. 

If a child or Age Grade player wants to move or change clubs then the parent should log onto GMS and under the parents account complete a Player Affiliation form.  This is under the 'Affiliate to a club' from your green dashboard notifications as per below highlighted in blue in the example.

With new regulations for the 20/21 season an AG player can now play at multiple clubs if they wish.  If you want to remove your old club for your child, then please contact your old club and ask them to un-affiliate and remove your child from their club.

For adults and parents if you would like to move or change clubs then you can add a club yourself under the My Organisations with the + ADD icon, and search to locate club then close and save as per the above highlighted in red in the example. The process is the same if you wish to add a child to a new club. When you log onto your account select your child’s record from under the ‘Friends and Family’ tab, choosing the child record then allows the parent to ‘add’ the new organisation. Once this has been completed, the new club will appear in the child’s My Org list and the option will then appear to ‘Affiliate'.

If you want to remove your old club from your own record, then please contact your old club and ask them to un-affiliate and remove you from their club.

Club Administrators 

For Club Administrators who to transfer a Senior Adult Women player then you cannot do transfers online.  You need to send/email the player's registration form to along with a notice of transfer.  A second copy of the notice should be sent to the player's former club.   You don't need to wait for them to respond.    

The player will be available seven days after we get the paperwork.  They should send them to  If the player has already been affiliated to your club, then you need to unaffiliate them and follow the above process above. 

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