Can’t edit/No Medical Conditions or Emergency Contact boxes under Player Affiliation Form

Parents may find they are unable to edit the Medical Conditions or Emergency Contact box for their child, as there is no 'Edit' or '+' add icon in the 'Player Affiliation Form' as per the below example.

This is due to being logged into the child/Age Grade players account and not logged in as the parent/linked adults account, as only over 18-year-olds can complete the player affiliations for children/AG players.

**Note: If details are updated on a parent account, this does not automatically update the 'Emergency Contact' details on the child's account; this must be completed manually on the child's account via the parent account.

 In order to complete the 'Player Affiliation' form for a child, parents must log into their own account, followed by clicking on your child in the 'Family and Friends' box to take you to the child's 'Dashboard', then click on the 'Affiliate to a club/another club/Renew Affiliation' or the amber 'Pending Player Affiliation'. Then to finish and complete it, ensure to click 'Save' to send off to the club for approval.

Please see the guides for resetting your password/problem logging in and not receiving emails if you are having issues with logging onto GMS to your account.  

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