Golden Roles

Located under Organisation Profile module > Golden Roles (needing to be assigned permission 2 or above level) these 18 Golden roles are set as standard across all RFU clubs and 12 at CB level so cannot be changed or added to.  These Golden roles are key contact roles used by the RFU and CB's.

Each Golden Role can only be assigned to one user at a time, however one user can hold multi Golden roles at a club.  Please note, for any other roles not listed as a Golden Role (such as Registrars, Coaches or Safeguarding Assistants etc) you can have more than one person assigned for each of these roles at your club.

Should you wish to edit or change anyone under your clubs or CB’s Golden Roles, please see the guide for Assigning and Removing Roles to edit from this screen in Organisation Profile, or directly from the users account.

**Please note there isn't currently a way to add or remove any roles onto the club website as they are all specifically generated from the Golden Roles in GMS.

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