GMS Release - 2nd December 2020

Please find below the release notes from the GMS deployment on the 2nd December:

  • Improved signposting to display an alert for new accounts created to suggest adding an organisation if not linked to a organisation already.
  • Inclusion of an Age Grade Membership table within the 'Members' tab to show current active members broken down by Age Group.
  • Fix to ensure 'My Tasks' displays all pending player registrations and removal of General Enquiry box. 
  • Fix to rectify an issue affecting a small number of clubs showing assigned players instead of eligible players under Team Management. 
  • Fix to amend the incorrect school and age group year showing on Player Registration reports and when creating a new account for an AG Player. 
  • Update to correct the incorrect links showing on a organisations page for the 'Find Us' widget icons.  
  • Update to allow more than one volunteer role assigned to a user. 
  • Updates to ‘Find a Course’ and ‘Find an Events’ widget in Personal Profile to signpost where to search for a course or event.
  • Updates to show the primary user when navigating in Personal Profile Dashboard (red box around the selected individual on profile).



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