Club Admin – Online Age Grade self-affiliation

RFU Regulation 15 requires players to be affiliated annually online each seasonWe have transitioned to an online self-affiliation AG process for club players (U6-U18) that will see auto de-affiliation (de-registration) of players annually (1st July 2022). There is less administrative work for club registrars in this process. 


Clubs should encourage parents to log into their account and affiliate their child.  For re-affiliations, parents should log in and ensure their details are up to date and Save.  Club administrators will then simply need approve any new AG affiliation requests on their dashboards to make the AG player status ‘Active’.  The player will then show up their appropriate age band in the Team Management module as per normal.  

Any player renewals will be made ‘Active’ status and you can view these on the 'Player Updates' Grid on your dashboards.  

Please see the other portal guides for administrators and parents/players should you need further information on this process.

Using the online affiliation and sign up process in GMS removes the need for paper forms, reduces administrative burden, increases data accuracy and places the ownership/update of data with the parents which complies with the RFU Minimum Data Standards. The 'Personal Profile' module and associated key tasks such as purchasing a membership, creating and updating an age grade affiliation have been optimised for mobile devices, so this makes it easier for parents.


The ability to de-affiliate AG players is now available in GMS.  Under the 'Player Management' module go to 'Players' > select the Player and click on ‘Unaffiliate’ button. 

This will remove the players ‘Active’ status, but the players record will still remain on your clubs database.


After encouraging the parents to sign up and affiliate online, the function for 'Registrars' to affiliate AG players is under their 'player records' in the 'People' module on the 'Summary page' – screenshot example is below.  

Please see video for steps for a club admin to support this process below;

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