GMS Update - 4th August 2021

Please find below the release notes for the deployment that took place on the 4th August: 

  • Age Grade Registration will be referred to as ‘Player Affiliation’ in the Age Grade game from 21/22 and the ‘Re-Affiliation’ process will work in the same way as ‘Re-Registration'.  All terminology in GMS and profiles have been changed to reflect this. 
  • All Age Grade players have been unaffiliated (de-registered) for season 21/22 in line with the annual Age Grade affiliation process that requires parents/guardians to affiliate their child annually.  Parents/guardians simply need to log in and complete the Renew Affiliation form for their child, club administrators do not need to approve renewing affiliations. 
  • Age Grade Registrars can now unaffiliate (de-register) AG players via the ‘Player Management’ Module > ‘Players’ menu.
  • Clubs should encourage parents/guardians to complete the online Player Affiliation Form to affiliate their child. However, where Registrars are required to assist, the ‘Affiliate Player’ option has been added to each player record under the People module on the Summary page. This option will allow Club Administrators to ‘affiliate’ players where this cannot be completed by the parent/guardian.  
  • Club Age Grade administrators will no longer need to access Player Registration v12 module. 

  • Update to Personal Profile to enable ability for online adult ‘Player Affiliation’ to be completed. A pilot will be undertaken during the 2021/2022 season with 4 CB’s, however the option to ‘affiliate’ with a club will be open to all players.  
  • Introduction of new module ‘Player Management’. This module will contain the ability for club administrators to manage affiliations (including in bulk) and review player information using a dashboard showcasing widgets of helpful information on the breakdown of players across the club. 
  • Introduction of a new box for all ‘Pending Affiliations’ requests for new players which now flagged in a new box on Personal Profile Dashboards for club administrators with a registrar role and appropriate permission levels.
  • Update to ‘My Tasks’ box on Personal Profile Dashboards to flag ‘Player Affiliation Updates’ which display notification of Player Affiliation Renewals and any personal details changes for active players. 
  • Update to remove Registered Players and Non-Registered Players showing in the menu list in the People Module. 
  • Update to the ‘Team Management’ module to distinguish between ‘Squad Players’ and ‘All Club Players’. Squads can now be managed from a list of selected players, with the allocation of players to squads able to take place in bulk, players can be added to multiple squads. 
  • The Electronic Match Card function selection logic has been updated to look at ‘Squad Players’, making selecting your players a quicker exercise. 
  • New columns in Team Management > Teams > All Club Players to display the Players Category (Affiliation status), Squad Player (Assigned or Not Assigned), Requested Date and Affiliated date. 
  • Fix in place to correct the issue where parent unable to complete the medical conditions for child.
  • Fix to where the Total Numbers of Individuals on the Missing Data Panel on the People Dashboard was not pulling all numbers of users across.
  • The Address Field on the People > Everyone grid has been moved further to the right.




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