How to apply for a DBS

In order to carry out a DBS application you will need to hold the role of either 'Safeguarding Officer' or 'Safeguarding Assistant' and permission level 2 or above. 

Applying for a DBS requires access to the RFU Disclosures website which is a separate system to GMS and as such requires different login credentials.  If you require access/have been locked out of your account, please contact the RFU DBS/Safeguarding Team:


Please follow the steps below: 

  • Log into your account and under ‘My Organisation’ ensure you are on the relevant organisation/club and go the ‘People’ module > ‘Everyone’ grid. 
  • In order to bring up the applicant, you can search from the full list of all club members under the ‘Everyone’ grid from the left-hand menu and use the filters on the right-hand side to locate e.g. name/DOB/RFU ID etc. 
  • Once you have located the applicant, select the small circle icon to the left of their forename (note you can select a number of individuals at the same time if necessary) and select the ‘Apply for DBS’ from the ‘More’ button at the top of the right hand of the screen. 

This will take you to the RFU Disclosures website.

Once you have logged into the system you will be presented with a page as per example below to confirm the transfer from GMS to the DBS system.  Should you receive any error message at this stage e.g. the applicant already exists etc; please contact the RFU DBS team.

After you have confirmed the transfer (by clicking “Proceed”) you would then be able to begin the application.

Alternatively, you can select the ‘DBS Applications’ menu at the top of the screen and on the drop- down menu select ‘Manage Applications’ or ‘Apply to DBS’ where you can search for the applicant or existing applicants to proceed.  When you have located the applicant, click on their name and the option of how to begin the application will show.

By clicking this option, you can choose to invite the applicant to choose their ID documents to support the application, or if they are with you in person (with the documents) you can select ‘Here and Now’.

The next stage is to set some basic information e.g. Applicants name, date of birth, role they are applying for etc.  Following this the system will allow you to send an email (if you are inviting the applicant remotely to choose their ID) or to proceed in person (if you have selected ‘Here and Now’).

It is important to select the correct job role for the applicant.   Specifically, which workforce (Children, Adults or Both), and also the relevant Barred List check that they will be vetted against.  Most applicants in an unsupervised role with frequent access to U18’s would require an Enhanced DBS check vetted against the Children’s Workforce and Children’s Barred List – however further guidance where necessary can be obtained from the RFU Safeguarding Department.

Once the ID has been selected, you should meet with the applicant face to face to verify the documents and update the application on the DBS system (bypassing GMS – as the applicant already exists) on this link (which we would advise saving as a “favourite” on your web-browser for easy access).

Under the ‘DBS Applications’ menu, search and select the applicant.  Following this you will be given the option under ‘Available Actions’ to ‘Carry out ID check’ where you will submit the ID data.  At the point of accessing the application, the applicant will need to have their ID documents to hand in order to verify data from them.

It is important that care is given at this stage, as once the ID has been entered and saved it is encrypted – this means that it can’t be accessed/amended at a later date should there have been an error. 

Once the ID has been entered, the options will appear to complete the remainder of the application e.g. their address history, previous names etc, or for you send them an invite to do this remotely.  

Once they have accessed it the applicant will complete the remainder of the application and it will be fully submitted.

The application is now complete and will be quality checked by Atlantic Data (who manage the RFU’s DBS system).  Any errors will be queried at this stage with the ID verifier and the application will placed on hold until resolution.  Following this the application will be countersigned by the RFU and dispatched electronically to the DBS for processing.  The application can be tracked on the system using the ‘Manage Applications’ option.

For any further guidance on tracking applications or additional queries on the DBS process, please contact the RFU Safeguarding Department.

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