GMS Update - 12th October 2021

Please find below the release notes from the GMS deployment on the 12th of October:

  • Update to the 'Course Finder' page on GMS to enable all course types to be filtered regardless of whether a user is logged in or not
  • Update to the 'Player Management' dashboard 'Age Grade Players' widget to allow administrators to view all Age Grade Players that were active in previous season, rather than just those that had a new registration (now called affiliation) in 20/21. This list will now show all players that had an active playing status last season, regardless of when they were originally registered (now called affiliation).
  • Fix to email function from the Team Management module that was preventing 'Select All' function being chosen and enabling administrators to email all those individuals selected within the grid
  • Fix to email function from the Player Management module that was preventing 'Select All' function being chosen and enabling administrators to email all those individuals selected within the grid
  • Fix to email function from the People module that was preventing 'Select All' function being chosen and enabling administrators to email all those individuals selected within the grid
  • Fix to remove duplicate instances of the same player assigned to Teams within the Team Management module
  • Fix to the 'Player' filter inside the 'Everyone' grid within the People module, enabling administrators to correctly filter those individuals with a 'Player' role
  • Fix to correctly show DBS expiry date on Club DBS report
  • Fix to the 'Export' function from 'People' module to show the 'Team' that individuals are assigned to
  • Fix to ensure users without a 'verified' email address have the ability to re-send their own email verification email request from their own profile
  • Fix to the link inside the 'fixture request' email received by Fixtures Secretaries that was directing some users to an incorrect page inside GMS

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