Voucher Codes- Organisation Purchasing User Guide


  • Please note that this functionality is only available to those with access to the Finance Tab on GMS (Level 2 and 5 for clubs and level 3 for CB's).
  • Vouchers need to be paid for at the point of purchase. We will not be able to generate invoices for Voucher payments. 
  • Only those with this Permission Level will be authorised to buy products on behalf of a Club/ School/ CB/ Society. You can find out 'How to Assign Permissions' on the guide on the portal. 
  • Once you have purchased Vouchers for your organisation, you will ONLY be able to assign them to people that sit within your organisation. Please check that the person you want to assign the Voucher to, is already part of your organisation and appearing in the ‘People’ tab of GMS.  

Step 1- Login to GMS: 

Use your current login details to sign into your profile.  If you want to add a new person to manage this process on behalf of your organisation, you can do so using the guide 'How to Add People'.  Please remember that you will need to assign permissions for any individuals to access the finance tab.  Note: users should ensure that they are logged on to the relevant organisation before purchasing the voucher code.

Step 2- Buy Products: 

On your ‘Dashboard’, under ‘My Organisations you will see the option to ‘Buy Products’ for your Organisation. Please select this tab. 

You will then see a list of products, including the Voucher Codes for specific courses and monetary value Vouchers that you may wish to assign to your ‘People’. Please select the most relevant voucher to add it to your basket. 

Step 3- Checkout and Payment 

Once you have added the vouchers you wish to use, you will see them in your ‘Basket’. 

If you select your basket, you will see the products you have requested in there. You can choose to add to the number of vouchers by using the – and + buttons either side of the number 1. When you are ready to proceed with the payment, please select ‘Checkout’

Confirm your order and payment details before finally clicking 'Pay Now'.  The final Step for purchasing is to enter your card details. On a successful payment, you will see a confirmation screen, simply press ‘Finish’ to return to your organisations page. 

Step 4- Manage your Vouchers:

To manage the vouchers you have purchased, you will need to use the menu to select the ‘Finance Tab’.  Once you are on the ‘Finance Tab’ you will see a new option for ‘Vouchers’ in the left hand toolbar. 

On selecting this tab you will see a full list of vouchers that your organisation has purchased. Simply select the voucher that you have just purchased as per the example below.  Once you have selected the voucher, you will need to select ‘Assign to Individual’. This will enable you to allocate the voucher to an individual from your organisations ‘People’ tab. 

Next, enter the individual’s name that you wish to assign the voucher to using the entry box.  A reminder that this will only allow you to assign to an individual associated with your organisation. Once you have found the individual, please select ‘Save.’ 

On returning to the ‘Vouchers Tab’ you should now see the Voucher you have purchased, alongside the individual that you have assigned the voucher to. The ‘Order Status’ confirms that you have paid for the Voucher, and that it is ‘Active’ to be used by the course participant. 

The ‘Event Code’ and ‘Event Name’ Tabs will allow you to know when the individual has booked onto a course and which venue/ location that they are attending. 

The Voucher Code Course Participant Guide 'How to use Voucher Codes when booking a coursewill enable you to support your users with booking onto a course using the Voucher Code System. 

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