GMS Update - 10th November 2021

Please find below a list of items that are planned for inclusion in the upcoming GMS Update due to take on the 10th November:

  • Enabling the Refund function for clubs for Memberships (provided there are enough funds to cover the refund)
  • Fix to solve the issue with the Address fields not being pulled onto the Exports under People > Everyone grid
  • Issue now resolved with showing individual's affiliation as pending on the club player management module but not on the user`s profile
  • Fix to resolve issue whereby user was added to a club but was not showing when searched under People > Everyone, or showing the club on the user's profile summary under My Organisation
  • 'Unaffiliate' button will now appear in Player Management module under Players List to enable club administrators to complete this action where required
  • Fix to show correct players in the 'Played a match in the past month' on the Play Management dashboard
  • The issue with the auto-generated emails to parents/guardians informing them of their child's affiliation status not being sent has been resolved
  • Under Phone in Personal Details the 'X Directory' has now been switched back on to display these if selected
  • The issue with the 'Unverified Email' widget which did not appear to be showing data correctly has been resolved
  • Issue with removing venues within the Organisation profile module has been resolved
  • Better signposting in the form of a banner message now appearing when logged into a child account when trying to affiliate as a player based on U18
  • Users can now search for colleges alongside the existing school search 
  • Self Service for qualifications not RFU accredited is now separated from the Qualifications tab and now sits on a separate menu
  • Creation of New Widget on Player Management Dashboard/ Include 'Last Logged In' Timestamp in Players Grids

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