17yr and 18yr old Age Grade and Adult Players

For those 17yr and 18yr olds who wish to play in age grade teams and are also eligible to play in adult rugby; they will need both an Age Grade Player affiliation and an Adult Registration.

Please ensure that you have done the sign off process and have CB approval to play as an adult first.


For those individuals about to turn 18, first affiliate player as an age grade player as per the current Age Grade Process, preferably with the parent logging in and completing the player affiliation form online if the player is under 18 at start of season.  

Then once pending affiliation is approved, or renewed affiliation then Adult Registrars can log into the PRv12 module and register the player as an adult player.


See the guides on the portal for Age Grade Affiliation for a Parent/Guardian and Renew Age Grade Child Affiliation Process and Club Admin – Online Age Grade Self Affiliation 


Once logged in as the parent (indicated by the arrow), click on the 17 -18 year old player as circled in the screen shot below. You will be taken to the player's profile where you will see options in the green 'What Next?' box; this will the include the options to 'Affiliate as Player (Age Grade)' and 'Affiliate as Player (Adult)'- both of which can be selected and the player in question will be eligible to play both Age Grade and Adult rugby within the club. 

You will also see under 'My Organisations' that any existing affiliations will indicate if an affiliation player's status needs to be 'renewed' as shown below in the circled, red box. 

Administrators can also affiliate 17 and 18 years olds as players for their clubs:



The Electronic Match Cards system shows some clubs have played 17-year-olds in adult matches.  As a reminder, this breaches the regulation because approval has not been given by their CB and because of the suspension until January. This suspension applies to male and female players and those with a previous or existing dispensation.  


See regulation 15.6 Playing Adult Rugby:



Age Grade Changes Return to Rugby guide and regulation amendments for 2022-23:



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