GMS Update - 14th December 2021

Please find below the release notes from the GMS deployment on the 14th of December:

  • Update and removal of term ‘Minis’ age bracket U5’s 3 and 4 year old's to align with rest of Youth, 3 and 4 year old's will now appear as Youth as per other Age Grade bands.
  • Fixed error where some AG Player Affiliations were switching as showing affiliated to the school instead of the club when a school was entered.
  • Updated AG Player stats in weekly stats report fixed as should be header ‘This Week’ and not ‘This Year’ which was displayed previously.
  • Fix to rectify issue where some previously effective registered players were showing as inactive players on the Electronic Match Card.
  • Fix to the Course finder filter now showing results as expected for all postcodes when searching for a course.
  • Add to Group and email to Group functions now working correctly within People grid.
  • Resolved the issue that was displaying an error message ‘Unfortunately an Error has occurred’ when searching for an individual on People > Everyone grid for some users.
  • Fix implemented for clicking on verify account link and not receiving the email to verify.
  • Resolved the blank ‘Order Status’ field error on exports from the Membership list under People Module.
  • Fix to correctly show gender correctly when using search filters on Team Management module.
  • Player filter in People Module > Everyone grid now working correctly and displays all those with an active player role including effective registered Players.
  • Fix to error reported when removing a user from a club and unable to add user, experienced by a small number of users.
  • Resolved the error when adding a Golden Role onto a individual and not displaying correctly.
  • Fix for the Kicking record on the EMC reports now displaying correctly for away team.






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