Accessing EMC in Competition Management module

Administrators with Competitions/League level permission to the Competition Management module can access Electronic Match Cards for their relevant leagues by following the steps below.

Step 1- Login to GMS  

Step 2- From your ‘Personal Profile, select the ‘App’ menu in the top left of the page (accessed using the 9 dots) and choose the ‘Competition Management’ module.


Step 3- Once you have entered the ‘Competition Management’ module, choose ‘Match Card’ and enter the appropriate criteria from the search function, i.e. date and any specific competition you wish to view. 

Step 4- You will then be presented with a list of fixtures that match your search criteria with information about the status of the match. Choose ‘View 

Step 5Once you select the fixture you will then land on the ‘Summary’ tab, scroll down on this page and choose ‘Produce Match Report’ icon. Once you have selected that icon, the Electronic Match Card will download as a PDF and appear within your browser. 


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