Please find below the release notes for the GMS deployment that is scheduled to take place on 19th of April:
- Resolved the error message being received on course link when sent a direct URL
- Email address is now auto populating to your default email address in the 'Order Summary' page when purchasing products or vouchers
- Club Administrators with the relevant permissions can now view 'Pending Affiliations' notifications for their selected club on their mobiles
- Individuals now able to enter Qualification names in 'Self Service Qualifications'
- Format changes to the Club Training Report to improve readability; Cont Coach Dev Award column made slightly wider and No of Players and Coaches column reduced in width
- A filter has been added to not display any Deleted Vouchers under Finance menu as standard
- General Notes in Team Management amended to 'Registration Notes' as display notes from Player Registration v12 module here
- Postcode not set as default when searching for course types under RFU Coursefinder
- Resolved error when editing an individuals details from the 'Everyone Grid' to revert back to display edited individual
- Revised logic to now display U16 in 'Club and Team Participants Reports' if completed EMC