GMS Update - 22nd June 2022

Please find below the release notes for the GMS deployment that is scheduled to take place on 22nd June:

  • Girls Age Grade Banding changes
    The change means that the new U12, 14, 16, 18 girls age bands will appear for clubs in GMS for the 2022/23 season. Age Grade female players will automatically be assigned to an age group by their date of birth and appear on the All Players List for that Team. It is advisable for Club administrators to check their teams appear correctly ahead of the commencement of the new season.
    Please note,U13, 15, 18 team data (fixtures, results etc) will be archived, nothing will be deleted. There will be a guide on the Help Portal coming soon to help clubs/coaches/team managers to work with these changes in Team Management and instructions if clubs want to “unarchive” the teams should they wish.
  • Schools, Emergency Contact and Medical Conditions now exportable from the Player Management Module > Players Grids.  School is also exportable field under People > Everyone Grid
  • Ability to add a 2nd Emergency Contact for a AG player under Personal Details under the Profile Dashboard
  • Player who turns 17yr able to affiliate as adult and AG player with 2 buttons to enable this function
  • New editable email template for 'Affiliations' will be able to be sent from People > Everyone Grid.  Filter or select individuals and choose ‘Email Affiliation Instructions’. This is to assist Clubs with providing consistent messaging to parents/guardians.
  • Player Affiliation Updates Notifications ’Confirm’ button on the grid changed to ‘Mark as Read’
  • Welcome Text changed on the Create New Account page and a new banner added for Signing Up to advise parents to register themselves first before their child
  • New panels on the Player Management Dashboard to display number of players with missing Emergency Contacts and Medical Conditions.  These panels are clickable links to take you through to the grids where you can then email the players for the missing information
  • Player Affiliations email notifications has a line of text added to advise if your club uses GMS for Membership Payments they will reach out regarding your Membership payments
  • New Team for ‘U5 and below’ can be added into Teams, and these display on the Youth Table under the Dashboard on the People module
  • Women and Girls Widget box removed from the Dashboard on the People module and new Girls AG bands added into the Youth Table on the Dashboard
  • Adding a Fixture and Editing a Golden Role are now moved to display in a side panel
  • Pending Affiliations panel moved below the Green What’s Next box and My Organisation box on profile dashboards on mobile devices
  • Column for member Y/N and Membership Scheme Type added under Playing Squad and All Club Players under the Team Management module 

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