GMS Update - 29th June 2022

Please find below the release notes for the GMS deployment that was deployed on the 29th June 2022:

  • GMS Security has been updated to ensure all individuals holding a fixtures secretary role will require the an appropriate permission level. Please see the Help Portal article on assigning permissions for further information and suggested security permissions levels for role holders.
  • Player category for 17 year old's playing adult rugby to display in Team Management as Effective Registration for the relevant adult player role and Affiliated for the AG player role
  • Messaging updated when attempting to edit the DOB for an Age Grade account has been updated to advise the individual to contact their club administrators who can edit the DOB if this is a genuine update required
  • Fixture Kick Off time is now an exportable field on reports under Team Management > Fixtures
  • The x4 Mailing List Reports have been moved to display at the bottom of the Reports under Organisation Profile


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