GMS Update - 20th July 2022

Please find below the release notes for the GMS deployment that took place on 20h July:

  • Addition of a link to the 'GMS Help Portal' when selected from the inpage Help icon
  • 'Player Registration Card by Club' PRv12 Report now available under Organisation Profile Module > Reports Menu (NB player images are not currently displayed)
  • Club Administrators are now able to edit address details for linked related accounts at the same time. When editing an address field in an individuals record, a prompt will now ask if you wish to edit the addresses for related individuals
  • Ability for club administrators to view multiple teams within their clubs via the new report 'Team Player List' under Organisation Profile Module> Reports Menu (NB this is for players listed on the Playing Squad in Team Mgt Module)
  • Club Administrators now able to edit the school field and other fields on the affiliation form for affiliated players under the 'Edit Affiliation' button under My Action widget on the individuals record
  • Change of Address by a Parent/Guardian of a AG player will be flagged as a notification and will display under the 'Player Affiliation Notifications' 
  • Fix for the duplication of the 'Weekly Club Stats' emails being received
  • The 'Last Updated' Column in Team Management > Teams is now working as expected
  • Fix to resolve the issue of Medical Conditions not displayed correctly onto the 'Player Registration Cards by Club' on PRv12
  • 'Custom Tags' are now showing as expected on the People > Everyone grid
  • Addition of an on page screen note as reminder that U18s can't be added on via the 'Bulk Uploads' under Add People function as currently not possible to add with linked relationships that are required for child accounts
  • Based on feedback from clubs which utilise GMS for Memberships, we have a amended the text on the email notifications for affiliations to parents/players to advise that if their clubs uses GMS for their Membership payments 'you may also need to purchase a membership before playing this season. Please check the membership requirements with your club or look out for specific communication from your club on this'  

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