GMS New reporting tools and new features to support Club Administrators Season 22/23

For the 22/23 season, no major changes were applied to GMS, however as we ‘set the foundations’ for our direction of travel a number of updates were applied to GMS earlier this summer ahead of the season to address key elements of feedback from the game. We have listened to our user base and utilised our Platform for Rugby engagement alongside a user group focused on Age Grade Rugby to collate these enhancements.

Clubs wanted to ensure that the familiar Age Grade affiliation process is as easy as possible for Parents/Guardians of players, we have therefore worked with our third-party providers of GMS to make some small enhancements to signposting and reporting.  These changes have been made to improve the user experience when interacting with the affiliation process with dedicated focus also placed on the role of the club administrator.

The items listed below are some of the key enhancements we have implemented based on club and volunteer feedback.

The specific release notes for these updates are available via the Latest Releases Notes together with supporting documentation in the form of user guides and FAQs.

Club Checklist 22/23

As part of our promise to support clubs where possible around the Game Management System (GMS), for the 2022/2023 season we have created a simple checklist for clubs to follow and use. 

This is intended to help clubs understand key GMS tasks they need to complete ahead of the start of the season. The PDF in the article includes links to guides on each task to help clubs work through the list.

For further information see the guide GMS Checklist 2022-2023.

Email Player Affiliation Instructions Template 

An editable Club Email Template is now available under the People Module > Everyone Grid to make it even easier for club administrators to select records for parents/guardians or players and contact them by email to affiliate with details on how to affiliate, including links to the relevant Help Portal docs with the step by step videos.

For further information see the guide Club Admin Email Affiliation Template.


Player Management Dashboard – Missing Emergency Contacts and Medical Details panel 

New widget to provide club administrators with the number of records that are missing that specific field against their record. By selecting this widget, you will be taken to a grid of individuals. Records can then be updated from this grid should you wish to. 

Graphical user interface, application, Teams

Description automatically generated

New Reports available under Organisation Profile Module > Reports:

  • New ‘Team Role DBS Report’ to replicate the Club Training Report for Coaches. This ‘Team Role DBS Report’ now displays the awarded Qualifications and DBS status for Team Managers, Volunteers and First Aiders roleholders who are assigned to a team under Team Management module.

  • The ‘Membership list’ on the Member Dashboard is now exportable, save/print as the ‘Organisation Memberships Report.’  Note ensure that you enter the same dates when running the report that are listed on the Member Dashboard or the dates required for your report.

  • ‘Teams Player List Report.’ Ability to select individual or multiple teams to display or export details. For example, all the adult Male/Female teams, or all Age Grade Teams in one report displaying Player categories, Emergency Contacts and Medical Conditions for players.  Note this is only displays players assigned to the Playing Squad under teams in Teams Management Module.


  • ‘Player Registration Card by Club’ mirrors this report under Player Registration v12 now available in GMS under Org Profile.  Note this displays the players assigned to the Playing Squad per team and photo profile images are not currently displayed.

Suspected Concussion flag 

Allows for players to be flagged on Electronic Match Cards (EMC) as having a suspected concussion. This will enable information to be sent to the player (AG players parents), assigned team Manager/Coach and their club’s RugbySafe Lead to help them recover from their injury and advise of the correct return to play protocols.  This data can also be exported from Teams under the Team Management module.

For further information see the guide Recording of Suspected Concussion in EMC and step by step instructions.

In addition to the above enhancements and better signposting, the below are also now available in GMS:

  • School now listed on Playing Squad grid under Teams Mgt and exportable on All Club Player List in Teams, on the Player Management and People module.
  • Able to now add a 2nd Emergency Contact on Age Grade Player Affiliation Forms.
  • Ability to now edit non restricted fields on the Player Affiliation details such as home address, playing position, Medical Conditions, or school by club administrators after an affiliation or renewal has been completed.
  • When a Club administrator or parental record linked to a child record edit the home address, it prompts club administrator/parent logged in to change for other linked related child accounts at the same time.
  • Total Age Grade Affiliated with clickable link to take you through to the grid with individual player details now shows on the Player Management Dashboard.
  • New Team type added for ‘U5 and below’ which displays on the People Dashboard in the Youth Table.
  • Kick off time under Fixtures in Team Management is now an exportable field.
  • A link to the Help Portal is available under the Inpage Help Topics in GMS.
  • Columns added under Playing Squad and Roles in Team management to display if ‘Member Y/N’ and ‘Membership Scheme Type.’

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