GMS; Age Grade Affiliation Club Top Tips

Chester RUFC


Team Manager spends small amount of time with Key GMS person at the club to understand how the system works. Each TM then has the ability to manage their own squad. 


Information cascaded straight out across the club so that it's not one person it's on everyone. In September we had drop-in sessions to help anyone that needs it. Also bench outside clubhouse to support parents with any questions.

Club administrators visible to support us. Strong messaging that you need to do this.  


Example of key messaging ' This is not for us to affiliate your player it's your player that needs to be affiliated to us; parents / guardians need to update the information accordingly.'


Implement a club enforced strict affiliation deadline, enforced from top to the bottom and everyone is aware. 


If parents are stuck or unsure the club are supporting where they can. We spent a lot of time looking at frequent issues and made some short quick videos to support Team Managers and parents. 


Top Tips  

  • Preparation who is your key GMS person? 
  • Are your Team Managers up to date and understand what they need to do and cascade?
  • Make sure that parents know what they need to do and utilise the support guides available as well.
  • Make sure that parents keep their information up to date. 



Farnham RUFC


We are a large club with circa 800 plus kids.


We have adopted a waterfall approach and got full buy in from all at the club allowing flexibility for club admins to push this how they see fit within their age groups.


Great success so far especially with club admins who have taken a hard-line approach to it.


As a club we have pointed out that it is a point of compliance and it is regulation. 


We have set strict deadlines to get people done and complete. 


We want to move to collecting membership in the system so encouraging parents to also see a benefit of doing this for the future as well. 


We did a bit of work beforehand ensuring peoples data was as up to date as possible.  


We encourage people to raise tickets with the GMS service desk who respond quickly to support any issues. 


We have also ensured that Club Admins have the knowledge to support and help. 


We found other sports are doing this and in Football It is commonplace with even more detail required. This is a once in a generation switch over and we think people will become used to it. 


Our Top Tips 


  • We operated a Water fall effect within the club.
  • We first sought a session from a GMS Support Trainer to help understanding of how to use GMS. This allowed me to help the rest of the club to ensure data was updated .


  • All Age Grade Admins have registrar permission level 3 so that admins can try and fix issue themselves if we can’t do in house then we get them to submit a help ticket via the help portal. 


  • The club admins support parents in completing the affiliation if they get stuck.  


Two things to Prioritise 


  1. Someone in your club who is really fluent in how GMS works. Utilise the help guides videos potentially a GMS Support Trainer if needed. 


  1. Stay really positive it is not a forever challenge it’s a once in a generation switch which as admins you can see a really clear level of transparency for all information and consolidation in one place. 

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