GMS Update - 7th November 2022

Please find below the release notes for the GMS deployment that is scheduled for deployment on the 7th November 2022.  This release includes some minor updates on functionality for missing data fields for players as we are facilitating a pilot data tidy up across a set of clubs in two CB's.  

Clubs not included in the pilot scheme can also avail of the new features to engage with players who are missing data.

  • New 'Missing Data Panel' displayed on the Player Management Dashboard, which can be clicked on to take user straight into the relevant grids
  • Player Management Dashboard widgets have been re-ordered
  • A new amber alert on individuals personal dashboard when logging into GMS to display missing Gender, DOB or Email.  These details can be updated via the 'Details' under the 'Profile Menu'
  • For club administrators with level 3 or 5 permissions, a new 'Missing Data' Notification panel will display on their personal dashboard. Clicking on these will take the user straight to the relevant grid
  • The 'Resend Verification Email' has been added to the Player Grids under Player Management module
  • Additional column and filter added to the Player Grids on Player Management Module to display the 'Email Health Status'.  Statuses include 'Missing, Unverified, Invalid, Duplicate and Healthy'. Once an email has been added or edited the 'Email Health Status' will then display as blank and overnight will be further updated in the system.  For example, if an administrator enters an email for a individual with 'Missing Email Status' on Day 1, this will then display as blank, On Day 2 this will display status as 'Unverified' or 'Healthy' if the user verified their account on Day 1.  
  • Weekly Club stat emails has been updated to include updates on Missing Data fields
  • New side panel in Player grids in the Player Management Module and People > Everyone Grid when clicking on the Surname or RFU ID to edit or add in DOB or email address
  • Ability to update fields on records in isolation, for example administrators can now update the DOB if the other mandated fields such as the email for the individual is blank

Further information on the Data Management Pilot and FAQ's can be located on the Help Portal articles.

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