Step 1 - Upon logging into your GMS account, you will be presented with your account details. On your dashboard you will see an 'Add' button next to 'My Organisations'. To join an organisation, please click on the 'Add' button shown below on the screenshot.
Step 2- You should now be able to see a search box pop up on the screen underneath the 'Organisation Finder'. Please type in the 'Name of the Organisation' into the search box making sure the organisation name is spelled correctly into the search box.
Below the search box you should be able to see the results of your search. Select the club you are attempting to join.
Step 3 - Once you have selected the Organisation you would like to join the page will refresh and a blue banner will show that says 'Successfully added'
You should now be able to see the Organisation you have joined on your dashboard and the Organisation administrator will be able to view your profile from the Organisation.
If you are still having difficulties joining an Organisation, please raise a ticket within the help portal so we can assist you further