GMS Update - 20th December 2022

Please find below the release notes for the GMS deployment on 20th December 2022.

  • Resolve to fix Loan players showing incorrectly as NER on Electronic Match Cards
  • Affiliated Players made Effectively Registered in PRv12 between Friday midday and Saturday midnight will have the Effective From Date set to the following Monday.  If the Affiliation is being processed as Effective between Sunday to Friday midday, then the Effective From Date will be set to the following day.  This is as per registrations processed through PRv12 (non-transfers)
  • New setting in Competition Management for Age Grade Competitions not to display Not Effectively Registered and NER warnings against Age Grade players in EMC line ups
  • Users in Competition Management Module no longer have the ability to delete a match with a result type, or delete a round which has at least 1 match with a result type in it.  Note matches with results will need to be reset before deletion 

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