GMS Update - 24th January 2023

Please find below the release notes for the GMS deployment that was deployment on the 24th January 2023: 

  • Update to the search for duplicate email records function, so after administrators merge duplicate records, the 'Duplicate' email health status will display as blank in the column until the daily refresh.
  • Addition of the 'Missing Data Panel' on the CB's People Dashboard for those individuals under the CB context. Please note the 'Adult Email Not Verified' will display for all individuals in all clubs in the CB.
  • Re-verification of an individuals email address will now be required if a verified email address is edited or removed.
  • The 'Missing Data Panel' for clubs is now displayed again on the People Dashboard to help support club administrators to keep details of people records at their club up to date and relevant.  Although the focus before the 23/24 season is to update and verify adult player emails and ask them to log into GMS before the start of the season. 
  • Fix to display 'Occupation' and all addresses when exporting from the People > Everyone grid.
  • Addition of a new icon in the right hand corner on all pages in GMS to open a new browser tab directly to the Help Portal homepage.
  • Resolved error with some organisation's not displaying as option when adding under 'My Organisations'.
  • Ability to mark all emails as 'read' for an individual on their dashboard under Communication History.
  • Resolved issue with updating affiliations in bulk on Player Management module.
  • Addition of date, result types 'Re-arranged' and 'Liquidated' onto mobile Electronic Match Card pages.
  • Fix to display Emergency Contact details on the 'Team Player List' report under Organisation Profile Module.
  • Ability for club administrators to now remove 'Notes' under individuals details.
  • Fix to display those with England Rugby Referee Awarded as level N/A in the People Dashboard Referee donut widget. 
  • Addition of a 'Save' and 'Cancel' button when adding a new Team under Team Management to align with other grid functions.
  • Fix to facilitate email send without having to use primary email addresses.
  • Addition to display the Safeguarding DBS panel on mobile devices.
  • Updated wording on the Player Transfer emails and Password Reset emails subject lines.

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