Email Health Status - Healthy, Missing, Unverified and Duplicate

Unique verified emails are crucial to enable account recovery.  If players are able to login to their account ahead of the Adult Registration period this will ensure a smoother experience for both players and club administrative volunteers.

Using the available widgets and tools in GMS, administrators can update player email addresses in isolation to enable them to login ahead of adult Player Registration.

An 'email health' category has been added to GMS to assist club administrators to assess which email addresses require attention, this may be because the field is either blank, not unique or has not been verified.  


  • Healthy- Email address is unique and has been verified by the individual. Which is want we need all email status to be. We need all email statuses to become Healthy. 
  • Missing- No email address exists for the individual's record and need to be entered and verified. 
  • Unverified- The individual's email address has been entered but not been verified. 
  • Duplicate- If the email exists on another account and if it is the same individual player, then these accounts need to be merged into one account.  


This ‘email health’ category displays for adults (over 18s) under the Player Management dashboard as a clear display as per screenshot below and also the People Module > Everyone Grid module for administrators with level 3 or 5 permissions.  

These administrators also have the Missing Data Panel on their personal dashboard when they log into GMS, clicking on the links will take them straight through to the relevant grid in Player Management.

When an individual’s email has been changed (added, edited or verified), the ‘email health’ status (Missing or Unverified) will display as blank in this column on the Grids until the daily refresh which is where this will update.


If after a merge of accounts, the ‘Duplicate’ email health status remains, then this may be due to the email not being unique on GMS and the individual may have an old legacy account not linked to the club or the email address is under another individual/or as an individual’s username.  It is therefore important that the record has a unique email record and is updated.   Please check other related family individuals under their ‘Details’ for default and non-default emails and usernames and submit a help request on the Help portal if unable to resolve.  


Updating Individuals Data or Parts of data on a record.

Some individual fields for an individual can now be updated in isolation, e.g if you only know the email address you can add this information without having to complete the other missing information as required to achieve the minimum RFU Data Standards.  

To do this select the individual’s surname (or individuals for multiple edits) under Team or Player Management or select the individual and then the ‘Edit’ button and using the side panel to edit the player details and click ‘Save’.  If you are editing more than one individual, then click the surname or select the individuals (or all/all page) and then the ‘Edit Multiple’ button. Enter the individuals missing or edit the information and click ‘Next’ and ‘Save’ when complete.

If possible, please answer the question 1-10 at the bottom of each individual side panel when updating elements to indicate how likely it is that the missing information will be possible to achieve in the next 12 months as per RFU Minimum Standards.  Please note this likelihood question is optional and will help for data quality.


Please see the other guide for How to Update Invalid or Incomplete Record

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